Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Nahi rakhta...

A song from Lucky Ali's Album 'Sifar' whose lyrics I like very much. Written by Syed Aslam, these are mesmeric...

नहीं रखता दिल में कुछ
रखता हूँ ज़ुबाँ पर
समझे ना अपने भी कभी...

कह नहीं सकता मैं क्या
सहता हूँ छुपा कर
इक ऐसी आदत है मेरी...

तो हैं जिनसे मिलता हूँ
सही जो है इनसे कहता हूँ
जो समझता हूँ....

मैंने देखा नहीं रंग दिल आया है सिर्फ अदा पर
इक ऐसी चाहत है मेरी...

बहारों के घेरे से लाया मैं दिल सजा कर
इक ऐसी सोहबत है मेरी...

साये में छाये रहता हूँ...
आँखें बिछाये रहता हूँ...
जिनसे मिलता हूँ...

कितनों को देखा है हमने यहाँ
कुछ सीखा है हमने इनसे नया...

पहले फुर्सत थी अब हसरत है समाकर
इक ऐसी उलझन है मेरी...

खुद चलके रुकता हूँ जहाँ जिस जगह पर
इक ऐसी सरहद है मेरी...

कहने से भी मैं डरता हूँ...
अपनों की धुन में रहता हूँ...
कर क्या सकता हूँ...

दे सकता हूँ मैं थोड़ा प्यार यहाँ पर
जितनी हैसीयत है मेरी...

रह जाऊँ सबके दिल में दिल को बसा कर
इक ऐसी नीयत है मेरी...

हो जाये तो भी राज़ी हूँ...
खो जाऊँ तो मैं बाक़ी हूँ...
यूँ समझता हूँ...

रस्ते बदले बदला जहाँ
फिर क्यों कदम हैं बदलते यहाँ...


Click here listen to song

Thursday, May 24, 2007

Liked it!-4

Good leaders are selfless, take initiative, and focus on their duty rather than obsessing over outcomes or financial gain.

- Times of India.

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Meaning in Life...

मेरे जीवन के सर्वोत्तम पलों में से वो पल थे जब मैं IIT के पास rural बच्चों को पढाने जाया करता था। I hope life will give me more moments like those....


"It was deeply satisfying...... Teaching children science was far more satisfying then working in a corporate. "

- Arvind Gupta.



Saturday, May 19, 2007


बंगलौर का मौसम और यहाँ की greenery देख कर यहीं बस जाने का मन करता है!

Thursday, May 17, 2007

Monday, May 14, 2007


"अमन्त्रं अक्षरं नास्ति ! नास्ति मूलं अनौशधं !! अयोग्य पुरुषो नास्ति ! योजकः एव दुर्लभः !! "

There is no alphabet from which a mantra cannot be made. There is no herb from which a medicine cannot be made. There is no person who is incapable. Who is rare is the one who can organize.

ऐसी बानी बोलिए

ऐसी बानी बोलिए, जम कर झगड़ा होए

पर उससे ना बोलिए, जो आप से तगड़ा होए !!!

-Poet unknown. May be Kaka Hathrasi??? Anyone to help??

Sunday, May 13, 2007

My Portfolio Scrips

These are the companies I have invested in. I dont invest in cyclic old economy stocks as these involve extensive follow up and labour, with nominal, although less risky returns. My choice of area is the new economy sunrise sectors.

The stock idea should have a big long term potential, excellent management, an early mover and possibly catering to the great Indian middle class or else export oriented. There should be something in the story that can make me believe that if clicked, the idea can make a significant change in my portfolio.

Of late I have gained interest in software stocks also, which has made the portfolio loaded with some of these stocks. More are to come. One or two media stocks can also find place.

I recognize that 22 scrips is a huge number as far as the no. of scrips advisable in a portfolio. It should have been ideally 6-12. And I do recognize it's a symbol of investor under-confidence to invest in more and more companies. OK! my major holdings at present are in IBREALEST, Geoinfo, ENIL, Polaris, Indiabulls & Mindtree. & these companies account for over 70% of the portfolio. Other companies have a minor share of the pie.

I like to follow Vinod Sethi, Rakesh Jhunjhunwala, Ramesh Damani & and some mutual funds/ magazines also while selecting stocks. Though lack of time many times doesn't allow to do intensive research.

Next few months I aspire to learn technical & fundamental analysis of stocks. Till the next posting in this field,

Good bye!