This is how much people love and regard someone who thinks about all the communities, and not just about any one particular community.
The mental blinds of both sides, and the media of both sides ... are u listening??? You are a big 90% of them all! You are a mental disease.
-Gaurav Singhal
Scene a day before Dara Shikoh's death
The crowd assembled upon this disgraceful occasion was immense; and everywhere I observed the people weeping, and lamenting the fate of Dara in the most touching [99] language. I took my station in one of the most conspicuous parts of the city, in the midst of the largest bazar; was mounted on a good horse, and accompanied by two servants and two intimate friends.
From every quarter I heard piercing and distressing shrieks, for the Indian people have a very tender heart; men, women, and children wailing as if some mighty calamity had happened to themselves. Javan Khan rode near the wretched Dara; and the abusive and indignant cries vociferated as the traitor moved along were absolutely deafening. I observed some faqirs ["Fakires"] and several poor people throw stones at the infamous Pathan;..
-Account of a French traveler who witnessed the last days of Dara Shikoh.