Tuesday, October 5, 2021

Some awesome lines on Gandhian Thought, by Ayodhya Singh Dinkar

 Some awesome lines by Ramdhari Singh Dinkar...

सत्य की संपूर्णता देती न दिखलाई किसी को,

हम जिसे हैं देखते, वह सत्य का, बस, एक पहलू है।

सत्य का प्रेमी भला तब किस भरोसे पर कहे यह

मैं सही हूँ और सब जन झूठ हैं?

चलने दो मन में अपार शंकाओं को तुम,

निज मत का कर पक्षपात उनको मत काटो।

क्योंकि कौन हैं सत्य, कौन झूठे विचार हैं,

अब तक इसका भेद न कोई जान सका है।

सत्य है सापेक्ष्य, कोई भी नहीं यह जानता है,

सत्य का निर्णीत अन्तिम रूप क्या है? इसलिए,

आदमी जब सत्य के पथ पर कदम धरता,

वह उसी दिन से दुराग्रह छोड़ देता है।

तुम बहस में लाल कर लेते दृगों को,

शान्ति की यह साधना निश्छल नहीं है।

शान्ति को वे खाक देंगे जन्म जिनकी

जीभ संकोची, हृदय शीतल नहीं है।

Wednesday, June 9, 2021

Oxygen in Delhi

Recently in some sections of the media a comparison between Delhi and Mumbai’s peak oxygen demand during the second wave covid crisis is shown. In it, it is alleged that despite both having similar numbers of peak active cases (around 95,000), Delhi required almost 3.5 times the peak oxygen requirement of Mumbai. Hence Delhi government’s covid management efforts are given a demeaning thumbs down.

Data, when analysed in a completely mindless way, leads to results which can be laughable and at the same time may reflect the state of sinister prejudice some of our intellectuals can be struggling with.

A section on media alleges that Mumbai managed with 275 metric tonnes (MT) per day of oxygen even when the active Covid cases crossed 92,000. But Delhi demanded 976 MT oxygen per day while it had active case load of 97,977. 

Here it has to be noted that peak oxygen demand is not a function of total active cases, but of the peak number of daily covid cases. For a few days if a plethora of new cases come, those patients are to be provided oxygen then and there. If a tsunami of 50,000 new patients comes for three days, then the peak oxygen demand corresponding to those days will increase to that tune. Simple! Now lets look what truth this fact reveals for Delhi and Mumbai.

While Mumbai reached a peak of nearly 11,200 new cases per day during this crisis, Delhi reached a peak of nearly 28,500 cases per day, 2.5 times that of Mumbai. Now you yourself contemplate, if a flood of 2.5 times the patients compared to Mumbai is coming to Delhi hospitals, should they refuse oxygen and kill them just because Delhi’s total active case load is still not that much? Does total active case load has any meaning in saving lives  when for many days Delhi got a gush of patients many times that of Mumbai? Why dont our self proclaimed experts and analysts first sit and think before jumping to write down insane analysis in the media!

During the corona first wave in September 2020, Maharashtra had a peak daily cases of 37,500 and a peak oxygen supply of 850 MT. For a Delhi peak like situation of 28,500 cases, this would have translated to about 650 MT per day. Delhi was getting less than 500 MT for most of its severest crisis days. Would we first kill patients from Delhi with oxygen shortage and then complain also that they consumed so much oxygen, they could have managed it in even less?

On 6th April 2021, oxygen consumption in Maharashtra again touched 777 MT per day due to rising cases. As it takes a minimum of 6 days for the infected to require oxygen, the cases 6-8 days prior to that were in the range of Delhi’s peak (around 30,000). When Maharashtra can use this much oxygen for itself, why cant Delhi for almost the same number of daily cases?

Take the case of Nagpur. Peak per day cases nearly 8000, peak oxygen demand 164 MT per day. Extrapolate for the Delhi numbers, Nagpur would have required 584 MT of oxygen had it had Delhi like peak 28,500 cases per day. Indeed, Delhi was supplied 400-600 MT of oxygen during the havoc days, and it struggled to meet its demand against its supplies. What's the fuss about it, when will we Indians start avoiding that evil feeling of extracting political mileage from everything?

One such article questions Delhi’s oxygen consumption compared to Mumbai but later states that the oxygen consumption in both per capita was almost same, around 0.0045 MT per person, but Delhi using about 10% more oxygen per person compared to Mumbai.

Ok, now we got it! So the Yaksh Prashna of today is why the Delhi patients used 10% more oxygen compared to Mumbai! And yes! It is the complete failure of Delhi Government. 

Can Delhi government advise its hospitals to use lesser oxygen per person? A doctor who knows hundreds and thousands are dying daily for want of oxygen will really waste oxygen? And Delhi government’s engineering degree holder Chief Minister should tell these doctors of years and decades of experience to use 10% lesser oxygen as the doctors might not be having brains to know the oxygen situation in the city and the country!

We think the next hisaab kitaab they are going to prepare is how much per capita water a Delhite takes compared to a Mumbaikar and how much he urinates, and blame the government for not issuing guidelines to take 10% lesser water to save the country from excessive urination.

Was there not an Oxygen crisis in Delhi? Did Kejriwal government sold off this oxygen to industrial plants? Did the hospitals not have an acute oxygen shortage, they just hired high paying lawyers, got prepared the papers overnight, and approached the High Court in urgency just for fun? To get into headlines? Was it all a drama by the hospitals? Were the patients who died due to oxygen shortage killed in spite of having ample and excessive supply and storage of oxygen?

So the Delhi Chief Minister was playing a drama in front of the Prime Minister, while there was an excessive supply of oxygen hidden somewhere in government stores? Were videos getting shared in social media of the Delhi patients dying due to not getting a single breath of oxygen were all fake? Were those patients acting to get that extra buck? Were SOS messages on facebook and twitter from Delhites for the last cry for oxygen were all due to Delhi Government selling the oxygen in black market in those days?

Alas, some people in our country have lowered themselves to such a deep and dirty level that they do not feel ashamed of doing devil politics even over dead bodies.









Sunday, June 6, 2021

यह वाकया ब्लॉग पर डालने लायक था

 सॉफ्टवेयर के काम के सिलसिले में डाटा अपलोडिंग का काम चल रहा था। हमारी टीम के एक सदस्य पिछले हफ्ते 2 दिन की छुट्टी पर थे और इतवार की छुट्टी तो उन्होंने ली ही थी... तो मैंने उनसे कहा कि भाई आज इतवार को वह काम करके इसको कंपनसेट करें।

अब इस तरह के जुल्मों सितम पर व्हाट्सएप ग्रुप में एक कमेंट कुछ इस तरह का आया... गैरों पे करम, अपनो पे सितम, ए गौरव सर...

तो मेरा रिप्लाई कुछ इस तरह का गया कि हे सज्जन! आपके अंदर का शायर भले ही जाग गया हो परंतु यह कविता कुछ इस तरह से लिखनी चाहिए थी, तो अधिक प्रभावी हो जाती.. :-) (और पसंद आने पर शायद छुट्टी भी मिल जाती)

ग़ैरों पे करम 

अपनो पे सितम 

गौरव मोहतरम 

हम गए सहम

हो कुछ तो रहम 

कि ऐसा जुलम

कि ऐसे जख़म

ना सह लें हम

मिटा दो भरम

लगा दो मरहम

कुछ तो नरम

कहो ना सनम

दूर हो ग़म

दर्द हो कम

शिकवा भी थम

जाए जो हम

करें फ़राहम

आपका करम..

आपका करम!!


जिंदगी का युद्ध कैसे लड़ा गया और जीता गया या हारा गया यह तो बातें अलग रही पर हाॅं! यही लम्हे जीवन को यादगार बनाते हैं!! :-)

Saturday, June 5, 2021

Money..... धन

अगर आप जीवन में कुछ बहुत बड़े काम करना चाहते हैं तो उन्हें करने के लिए पैसा अपने आप आ जाएगा। 

अगर आप जीवन में औसत काम करना चाहते हैं तो उनके लिए पैसों की समस्या हमेशा बनी रहेगी।

Thursday, May 27, 2021

Online Education

The quality of education of a school is reflected in the number of hours its students spend in libraries without being asked to.

The quality of teaching by a teacher is reflected in the number of questions the students ask at the end of the class. You can have doubts only when you your attention is on the subject and that can happen only when the teaching is interesting. For education to succeed, it should be fun to learn.



Offline Education and Books

Only when one is interested in the subject, does it lead to interaction – where in the student wants to know more about the subject, clear their doubts, and looks for more material to get a deeper insight into the subject.

If children today are not reading more and more books outside the school text books, it is because of the impression they have about books – thanks to the boring teaching that focuses on parroting rather than understanding.

Education should motivate students to read books even after the school is over, generate passion about knowledge in general and the subject in particular. But unfortunately, education today makes them run away from books and knowledge.

Online Education and Educational Videos

Due to COVID pandemic, many schools worldwide are shifting to online education. While it is a good move considering the risk of the pandemic spreading further, it is less effective, especially at lower classes, considering the distant nature between teacher and student.

Students today can learn a lot more by watching beautiful youtube videos that teach stuff in ways that are not only easy to comprehend, but also generate a keen interest in one to know more about the subject.

But thanks to online education, students will now get pre-recorded videos from their teachers – I am afraid this will make students run away from educating videos on platforms like youtube as well!

Boring teaching makes students run away from not only from text books – but books in general. Similarly won’t boring educational videos being forced in the name of online education make students run away from otherwise effective online videos as well?

For education to succeed, it should be fun to learn

How to provide effective Online Education?

Online education can be effective only when it is interactive and innovative. Teachers can use more innovative methods like slide shows, animations, videos, audios and other digital assets to make their teaching more effective. This can actually make classes more interesting than offline classes!

Distributing boring pre-recorded videos will be useless, waste of time. The quality of education will hit rock bottom by doing so. There are better youtube videos available that can make one comprehend the topic easily, than watching boring pre-recorded videos.

So how can online education be more effective?

Teachers should make use of additional benefits provided by technology by making good use of slideshows, animations, audio/video assets, etc so that the students find it more interesting and easy to understand.

Teachers should encourage students to ask queries and get answers via WhatsApp chat sessions or similar other means.

Teachers should also conduct regular interactive sessions with students to understand how effective their teaching has been, and how well students are able to comprehend the lessons.

Teachers should focus on imparting education than on completing the syllabus.

Every teacher should always encourage students to ask more questions and more questions. No teacher should ever discourage students from asking questions. And for smaller classes, especially at primary school level – online education means nothing. Unless and until you succeed in making it as interesting as cartoons like Tom and Jerry.
