There are two forms of love prevalent... spiritual and physical. Internal and external. The spiritual ones dislike the physical ones, whereas the physical ones think spiritual ones as stupids. The physical ones mostly are extrovert and the spiritual ones introvert.
sprituality in love can be rarely seen in the modern people who are just running to keep in pace with this fast moving world. People now seem to have lost feelings, emotions,faith in each other,it seems as if they are just living with each other fulfilling their mutual needs life of such kind of Love that originates from physical attractions is too short, that go on losing all its charm and freshness with age. However, spritual love originates directly from the souls of the two which never dies. They love, they respect, they care, they laugh, they tear......all together; where inspite of great distances between the two, they feel as close as rays are to sun,
as fragrance is to flowers...
...and such kind of love persists with the same freshness, charm, feelings all throughout the life..
....a kind of eternal love...
You are right anonymous, whoever you are. And I also think it is very necessary to slow down the pace with which we all are running.
There's nothing more blissful in this world than the soulful love you mentioned.
will someone plz stop being philosophical,plz it irritates and hurts.ask someone who lost in love.its better to not to have emotions than having them and hurting yourself.just live and let live
OK friend, I am sorry if any thought/ comment on this blog hurt you, or anyone...
"Perfect love is rare indeed - for to be a lover will require that you continually have the subtlety of the very wise, the flexibility of the child, the sensitivity of the artist, the understanding of the philosopher, the acceptance of the saint, the tolerance of the scholar and the fortitude of the certain."
-Leo Buscaglia
Well said!!! Great thought! In very few moments a person is as pure as in love.
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