Saturday, April 13, 2024

What is the purpose of life??

The below was posted by a friend and I replied. Posting the both here.


I'm quoting from one of the post, although exactly these could have been my words.... 
In my personal case, thoughts have been influenced by one incident. I met one of my father's uncles long back who was successful and worked very hard throughout his life (and was "successful") and he mentioned if he had known the outcome of life in his young age, he would have taken things much easier in life. Two weeks after our meeting, he died. I know many such cases. The regret of not living in today in prime years can be frustrating considering it can't be undone in later age. I see so many people in professional world around working like dogs, having no life, getting obese and having health issues and still not reviewing what purpose it will solve (again my opinion, I might be wrong).

My Reply:

One of my very close relatives, a 100 crore person, around age 75 had the same regret: "I didn't know why I earned so much of money!"

He regretted he wastes so much of his time for earning useless money: At the end he could only use not more than 1% of it! 

Regretting why he did not have the wisdom to pay more attention towards health and leisure. Towards his passions.

Over the years I have sensed that perhaps it is due to our previous generations coming out of dire poverty in most cases. 

Almost any family seeing long periods/ generations of poverty has the cases of extreme money oriented lives lived. With extreme cutting on expenditure and time on leisure, health, comfort, passions, relationships, etc. Coupled with very long periods of extreme hardwork to amass useless money.

My father also was a classic case of it, among dozens others I have seen following the trend.

The person you mentioned I guess would be from India only. 

India's next generation won't be like this. Only the transition generation suffered this syndrome.


P.S.: I checked at the link, the post was from India!